How To Send Us Your Materials:

When we are contacted by prospective clients, we are often asked how to send physical materials to our office, or, we receive an email telling us that something has already been sent (CD's, thumbdrives, sometimes actual books, etc.). While we appreciate the enthusiasm, we respectfully request that unless we expressly request them, please:  do not send any physical materials to our office.  If we need them, we'll ask for them, but there is almost nothing you can send that isn't sent faster and better via the Internet.  

If You Have LOTS of files, or big ones: 

We are an Internet-based business, and everything you would ever send to us, for conversion and formatting, can and should be sent either in email, via Dropbox, YouSendIt, or other methods.  If you have spectacularly large files (over 20MB), or more than one file, don't use our Contact Widget; instead use our corporate Hightail Account, which allows multiple files to be sent, or anything up to 2gigabytes in size.  If you have a Dropbox account, simply send us a link to your files for downloading.  We do not need the covers for your books to provide a quote, although we will need them for production, should you elect to proceed with us. You can find the Contact Widget at the top of every single page (look up!) on the right-hand side of the main menu. Just hover-over the contact menu item and click the "Contact Us" link.  The Contact widget can only accept ONE file.  If you try to send more than one file, or a file larger than 20MB, the Contact Widget will not function, so please use the Hightail link in this article instead.  

The Hightail link, again, is here:  Hightail.  If you have a Dropbox link, please just send it to us in email.  If you don't have a Dropbox account, but would like one, (many authors find it invaluable for preserving easy-peasy back-up copies of their work) click this link:  Get Dropbox Account.  

We Do NOT Return Any Physical Materials Sent To Us

We do not return any physical materials sent to us--not thumbdrives, CD's, etc.  If you need to have a book scanned, please discuss this with us first, as we shall most likely refer you to Golden Images, in St. Louis, MO, for scanning expertise, rather than scanning in-house.  We highly (highly!) recommend Stan Drew, Golden Images' owner, as his scanning services are, literally, second to none in the business in this country.  His website is here:  His phone number is 636-375-9999.  

We archive any books/manuscripts sent to us, in any fashion, for six months, on our servers, as we've found that many people come back to us, months after we send out a quote, to proceed.  At the 180-day mark, we delete manuscripts, materials, etc., sent to us for quoting off our servers.  If people inadvertently send us physical materials, like a printed-out manuscript, we will shred them at the same time.  Again:  if you send us a printed-out manuscript, we will not return it; we shred it.  Or a thumbdrive or a CD, which we'll wipe clean (thumbdrive) or shred (CD).  This is why we request that you use the Internet to send all materials for quoting, thanks.  Please note that almost all literary agents and publishers have the same policies now--all materials are to be shipped eletronically, over the Net.


We thank you, sincerely, for abiding by this request.