Do You Need Something Special?
Do you have a book laden with sidebars? Footnotes? Beautiful graphics that need to be produced for your ebook, just so? Then look no further. We've developed specialty skills for books just like yours. Come in, below, and take a look. Each image can be zoomed with a simple click, to launch a lightbox show just for you.
Demand of Blood on the Kindle FireClick Here
Demand of Blood on the Kindle Fire
Original PDF of Demand of BloodClick Here
Original PDF of Demand of Blood
Demand of Blood in ePUB format.Click Here
Demand of Blood in ePUB format.
Kindle Paperwhite Footnote PopupsClick Here
Kindle Paperwhite Footnote Popups
Kindle Paperwhite base page for footnote.Click Here
Kindle Paperwhite base page for footnote.
Healthy_You_Healthy_Baby_MOBIClick Here
Healthy_You_Healthy_Baby_PDFClick Here
Healthy_You_Healthy_Baby_ePUB_ReadiumClick Here
Hummingbird Review, displaying screenplay format.Click Here
Hummingbird Review, displaying screenplay format.
Fixed-Format book "Strings Attached"Click Here
Fixed-Format book "Strings Attached"
"Strings Attached" in a reflowable Kindle version.Click Here
"Strings Attached" in a reflowable Kindle version.
Strings Attached in reflowable ePUB.Click Here
Strings Attached in reflowable ePUB.