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Kindle World
A blog of Kindle tips, Kindle news, opinions, and deals.
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Writing a Compelling Press Release
Christy Anderson outlines simple steps to writing a compelling press release.
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A reader and author networking resource offering free book chapter samples.
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My KDP Select Experiment Redux
Suspense author Russell Blake discusses Amazon's KDP Select program and why it works.
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How to Sell Your Ebook
"Here's The Simplest, Most Effective Way To Sell Hundreds (Or Thousands) Of Your Ebooks Each Year..."
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BookBuzzr: How to Use the John Locke Principle to Market Your Book Through Games
A breakdown of John Locke's "transfer of loyalty" principle.
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AuthorMedia: 7 Articles to Help You Become a Twitter Ninja
A collection of links to helpful Twitter guides.
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How to Use Social Networking Management Tools
Straight from the horse's mouth, HootSuite and TweetDeck are "a personal real-time browser, connecting you with your contacts across Twitter, Facebook, MySpace, LinkedIn, Foursquare, Google Buzz and more." You can download either system to your desktop, iphone, android, or Chrome. Essentially it's a dashboard service that arranges all of your social networking accounts into neatly organized columns, enabling you to connect and navigate among all of them simultaneously. Go to tweetdeck.com, or hootsuite.com, choose which option you'd like to download the service to, at the top of the page (computer or mobile phone), then click on the "Download" button provided and follow the step-by-step instructions to piece your virtual media life together. (Please see above instructions on how to sign up for any of the aforementioned networks). (Note from Hitch: Personally, I use Seesmic, which I like. For power-tweeters, there are other tools like TweetAdder. However, you should try them all--most have free trials--and see which suits you best).
Here are some articles, comparing different social-networking management tools:
http://www.toprankblog.com/2010/09/22-social-media-marketing-management-tools/ (from 2010, but still a good list)
http://www.socialmediadelivered.com/2012/05/18/top-20-social-media-management-tools/ --this is a must-read.
Hope you find these useful! The link below is for Seesmic, which is affordable. Not all social networking tools are; but make sure you search until you find the right one for you--which means, the one you'll use.
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How To Use Bit.ly
Bitly is an online engine that shortens, shares, and tracks your links. Shortened links are helpful because they enable you to post direct links to Facebook, Twitter, e-mail, instant messaging, and websites, without taking up the annoyingly large amount of space most complete link codes require. Shortened links are particularly helpful in services like Twitter, which restrict your posts' character counts.
To create a shortened vanity url, simply go to bitly.com, copy and paste the link you'd like to shorten in the empty box provided in the middle of the page, and click on the "shorten" box to... shorten.
To track and analyze links regularly, you can sign up for bitly by clicking on the blue "Sign up" box at the bottom of the homepage. To sign up, you will be asked to provide a username, e-mail address, and a password, then click on "Sign up." Once you are logged in, you can choose to connect your bitly account to your Twitter and Facebook accounts in order to shorten and share links directly.
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How To Use Twitter
Type www.twitter.com into your browser. On the right hand side of the homepage, you will be invited to join Twitter as a newbie.
You will need to provide is a full name (this will be your user name!), a functioning e-mail address, and a new password for your account.
After you login, Twitter takes you through an easy-to-use step-by-step process to get your account up and running. It enables you to follow existing users you likely know (presumably via your e-mail address), list your personal and business interests, find friends via email address, and begin tweeting.
An omnipresent right hand sidebar also enables you to easily connect your new Twitter account to your mobile phone (you can download a Twitter application and/or set up mobile notifications to be sent directly to your phone), and to connect your account to existing accounts on Facebook, LinkedIn, AOL, Hotmail, Yahoo, and Gmail.
For more detailed information, and step-by-step tips on Tweeting, please see our article on "How To Use Twitter, Really," in the News/Articles Section of our website. http://www.booknook.biz/bk_news/post/how_to_use_twitter
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How To Set Up a Facebook Page for Your Book
I think it's safe to say if you don't already have a personal Facebook account, you haven't yet joined in on the party that is the 21st Century. In the event you don't have an account, setting one up is just as easy as setting up a Twitter account.
Type facebook.com into your browser, and after providing a first and last name, e-mail address, password, gender, and birthdate, you're signed up! After you've logged in (and, if you wish, provided varying degrees of unnecessary personal information), you will be directed to your homepage. If at any time you feel lost and forlorn, you can click on "Home" on your upper right hand corner to get back.
To set up a Facebook page, move your pointer over to the left hand sidebar, and click on the link to "More," located just below "Games" and "Apps" at the bottom. From here you can click on the "Pages" tab.
A box on the upper right hand corner of this page will enable you to "Create a page." To create a page for your book, click on the "Entertainment" box and choose "Book" from the drop down menu. To create a page for your website, click on the "Brand or Product" box and choose "Website" in the drop down menu. You can also create a page for a business, company organization or institution, artist or public figure, or cause or community. From here, Facebook will guide you step-by-step through creating a page for your product. Get rocking!
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How To Create a Linked-In Account
LinkedIn is a social media tool that enables its users to create exclusively professional profiles and to connect them to current and potential business colleagues. It is a social networking tool akin to Facebook, but (theoretically) devoid of personal details.
To join LinkedIn, navigate on over to linkedin.com and click on "Join Now." You will need to provide a first and last name, e-mail address, and new password, then click on "Join LinkedIn." You will be guided through a step-by-step process in order to create your profile, by providing employment information, a zip code, company name, job title, etc. The process will then direct you to connecting with colleagues you already know via e-mail address.
To create a "Company Page" for your book, login to your personal account, then click on "Companies" at the top of the homepage. In the drop down menu provided, click on "Find Companies." To the right, next to FAQ's, will be a link to "Add a Company." After you click here, you will be guided through a step-by-step process to add a company by providing the company (book) name and confirming your e-mail address.
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How to Create a YouTube Account or Channel
Go to www.youtube.com. At the top of the page, click on the link to "Create an Account." To get started, you will need to provide an e-mail address, username, postal code, date of birth, gender, and then accept terms of use. Choose a new password for your account.
After you confirm your account via your e-mail address, you will be able to browse videos, view movies, and upload your own videos and book trailers. In case you lose track of it, the "Upload" link is always in the upper right hand corner of the YouTube page when logged in. By setting this up, you "create" a "channel" that is strictly yours. You can, if you wish, create a channel just for your book--or one for each book, if you have promotional videos that you want people to see for each book. Videos are powerful marketing tools, although the jury still seems to be out on whether or not they are very helpful in marketing books. If you write "how-to" or instructional books, however, short videos demonstrating some of the techniques in your book, or promotional videos describing what a prospective reader may learn in your book, can be invaluable.
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The All-MysteryNewsletter Promotion Platforms
All Mystery e-newsletter is multi-platform promotion for authors of mystery, suspense, thrillers only. No vampires, werewolves or zombies allowed--unless they solve crime in their spare time. More info at our website: http://allmysteryenewsletter.com. (HIGHLY RECOMMENDED by Booknook.biz)
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Make A Killing on KIndle
According to best-selling author Mike Alvear, "[t]here are only 12 steps to successful Kindle selling and I show you how to do each of them with step-by-step directions, including picture tutorials." Mike points out that your carefully crafted, painstakingly created book can't be bought if it can't be found. Mike's gotten every single one of his books on Page 1 of Amazon's search results, and in this book, he shows you how.
This book is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED by Booknook.biz! Don't miss this one!
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Useful Book Blogs and Review Sites
Below is a list of networks and otherwise useful sites, which provide book and ebook publishing news, commentary, reader and writer forums, and reviews or features that can be submitted by anyone and everyone. These sites are helpful tools in your navigating of networking, enabling you to more quickly find popular and/or effective blogs for review, and in stocking up on voluntary reader reviews for your book, which often make landing a big-time blogger review more likely.
Websites are listed by Alexa ranking, which rates blogs according to traffic and therefore popularity.
http://www.amazon.com 17: A website on which consumers can buy, sell, and review books and ebooks... as well as pretty much everything else.
http://www.goodreads.com 1,009: A network/forum focusing on readers, featuring book recommendations, book clubs, trivia games, and giveaways.
http://www.mobileread.com 7,885: A forum for e-reading, featuring e-book and e-reader recommendations and news.
http://www.Librarything.com 8,066: A personal book cataloger, allowing readers to catalog books from Amazon, Library of Congress, and 690 other world libraries, and to find new books based on what others have read with similar tastes.
http://www.kindleboards.com 15,928: A forum in which members can "feel free to talk about anything and everything related to Kindle!"
http://www.absolutewrite.com 20,898: A bulletin featuring newsworthy deadline information for commercial authors and forums for writers.
http://forum.writersdigest.com 32,083: News and forums for writers on how to write better and how to get published.
http://www.sellingbooks.com/ 72,365: A guide to writing, publishing, and marketing books and ebooks. (Not a review site, per se; but worth reading & subscribing to, really!)
http://www.authonomy.com 77,981: A networking community for writers, readers, and publishers developed by HarperCollins.
http://www.Redroom.com 121,918: A network connecting published authors, aspiring writers, readers, publishers, agents, associations, students, and researchers.
http://kindlenationdaily.com/ 127,724: A site that catalogs free kindle books, gives kindle tips, and provides related news and commentary. It features "books of the week" by genre and price.
http://www.nookboards.com/forum 150,145: A forum featuring the Barnes and Noble nook.
http://www.selfpublishingreview.com/ 175,292: An online magazine devoted to legitimizing self-publishing: news, book reviews, publisher reviews, interviews, opinion, how-to's, and a social network for writers.
http://www.webook.com 178,015 :"Writing community for writers, readers, and literary agents: Submit works, read and rate writings."
http://www.writingforums.org 205,616: A network of discussion forums and site announcements for creative writers, featuring contests and author interviews.
http://www.writersbeat.com 374,125: A forum for writers only, featuring discussions on the writing craft, marketing ideas, and enabling posts for critique from fellow writers.
http://kindlereader.blogspot.com 1,729,177: An Amazon.com affiliate blog run by a librarian that features kindle books that cost $4.99 or less. It is designed to be "a time-saving menu of reading choices," as opposed to a review site.
http://indiebooksblog.blogspot.com/ 3,758,915: A blog that features (not reviews) independent writers' books. Follow the directions to submit a book: http://indiebooksblog.blogspot.com/p/get-featured.html
http://indiebookman.com/ 22,641,246: "A meeting ground for the Indie Publishing Revolution blogging all things of interest to self publishers, indie presses, guerrilla book marketers and other soldiers of the revolution." (check out his blog radio shows)
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28 Book Review Sites for the Self-Published Author
Below is a list of 28 websites, ezines, and blogs, whose contributors post more in-depth reviews of featured books and ebooks. Again, the sites are ranked by Alexa number: the lower the number, the more popular the site. You can submit your work to all of them, although it goes without saying that a submission will not necessarily result in a review, favorable or otherwise!
http://blogcritics.org/books/ 12,356: Features book reviews and ebook reviews, separately.
http://dearauthor.com/wordpress/category/ebooks/ 110,388: A site that reviews romance books, with a smattering of other genres.
http://www.bookslut.com/ 207,831: A monthly web magazine and daily blog dedicated to reading: news, reviews, and commentary, and unofficially affiliated with NPR. To submit a book: http://www.bookslut.com/contact.php
http://blog.booksontheknob.org/ 246,176: A site featuring and alerting readers to bargain reads, free ebooks, and providing ebook reviews. For review: http://blog.booksontheknob.org/p/about-this-blog-and-contact-info.html
http://kindle-author.blogspot.com 284,485: A blog for self-published kindle authors, run by a self-published kindle author. He provides author features, interviews, posts "sponsored posts" by guest writers, and opportunities to advertise on his site.
http://www.coffeetimeromance.com/Welcome.html 368,716: A site that reviews romance novels. http://www.coffeetimeromance.com/reviewsguidelines.html
http://theunreadreader.com 696,089: A blog that reviews bound and e-books, focusing on chick lit, contemporary, dystopian, paranormal, romance, urban fantasy, and young adult; does not accept nonfiction or self-pub. Submission directions here: http://www.theunreadreader.com/p/review-policy.html
http://www.bestsellersworld.com/ 946,785: A network of reviewers that provides book reviews and giveaways. http://www.bestsellersworld.com/book_review_submission.htm
http://www.kindleobsessed.com/ 1,082,187: A blog that reviews self-published and indie authors and posts lists of free ebooks. Submit for review here: http://www.kindleobsessed.com/review-request/
http://www.mrsgiggles.com/index.html 1,151,918: A site that reviews ebooks, mostly of the romantic fiction genre, and sometimes movies and music.
http://bookdout.wordpress.com/ 1,429,032: A blog that reviews print books and ebooks (that can be accessed on ipod touch), with a preference for general fiction, women's fiction, cosy mystery, psychological thriller, murder mystery, crime, humor, paranormal/urban fantasy, and romance.
http://candysraves.com/ 1,649,793: A blog that reviews books and ebooks, with an emphasis on memoirs, women's fiction, light paranormal, crime novels, time travel novels, horror/suspense/thriller, and selected YA. Reviews are posted on the site, as well as on Goodreads, Smashwords, and Amazon.
http://thebookbuff.blogspot.com/ 1,705,165: A blog that reviews all books and ebooks of any genre but erotica. Submissions: http://thebookbuff.blogspot.com/p/review-guidelines.html
http://acozyreaderscorner.blogspot.com/ 1,773,601: A blog that reviews books in hard copy (preferred) but also ebooks on a limited basis, with a focus on women's fiction/chick lit, romance, literary and historical fiction, Christian fiction, YA, children's literature, memoirs, and cookbooks.
http://bitsybling.blogspot.com/ 2,130,000: A blog that reviews books and ebooks of any genre. Submissions: http://bitsybling.blogspot.com/p/review-policy.html
http://booklog.eternalised.net/ 2,586,781: A book review blog featuring adult and YA fantasy novels, paranormal, supernatural, and historical genres. http://booklog.eternalised.net/review-policy/
www.dailyebookreviews.com/ 2,951,890: A blog that reviews fiction ebooks, with an emphasis on science fiction, horror, fantasy, and thrillers, and spotlights an author weekly.
http://twoendsofthepen.blogspot.com 3,118,843: Fantasy/sci fi co-writers team up to review books, conduct author interviews, and post guest blogs. Submit for feature and/or pay for a slot on a "spotlight page" here: http://twoendsofthepen.blogspot.com/p/about-me.html
http://flyingofftheshelves.blogspot.com/ 3,418,571: A blog that reviews books of most genres and offers author interviews. Submission information: http://flyingofftheshelves.blogspot.com/p/review-policy.html
http://thebooxreview.com/about 3,705,955: A site that posts of reviews of new ebooks by an in-house reviewer, and posts readers' submitted book reviews.
http://www.thesundaybookreview.com/ 3,947,099: A site that reviews thriller, crime, true crime, and mystery, as well as provides indie pub news, guest posts, and interviews.
http://spaldings-racket.blogspot.com/ 3,990,280: A blog run by author named Nick Spalding who reviews books of all genres. Submit your books here: http://spaldings-racket.blogspot.com/p/submitting-your-book-to-spaldings.html
http://smashwordsreviewed.blogspot.com 5,009,611: A blog that features indie authors, reviews new books, interviews authors, and hosts guest reviewers of all genres.
http://www.ebookaddictreviews.com/ 5,406,299: A team of reviewers that reviews romance ebooks.
http://thecajunbooklady.com 6,227,261: A blog featuring book reviews, author interviews, and giveaways. Submit books here: http://www.thecajunbooklady.com/p/reviewing-policy-ftc.html
http://elizabethswigar.wordpress.com/ 8,056,568: A blog dedicated to reviewing Kindle formatted ebooks, open to all genres, but particularly interested in historical fiction. http://elizabethswigar.wordpress.com/submit/
http://trishasbookshelf.blogspot.com 13,835,184: A blog that primarily reviews Young Adult books, but also considers suspense, horror, chick lit, romance, and paranormal works. Submission information here: http://trishasbookshelf.blogspot.com/p/review-policy.html
http://novelcritic.com: Reviews published and self-published novels of any genre.
Give 'em a try, and let us know if any of these are particularly fabulous--or particularly bad. We like to keep our clients and folks who drop by updated! Thanks!
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Jeffrey Marks--Intent to Sell: Publishing the Genre Novel
So you’ve sold your novel.
Congratulations. Now all you have to do is sit back and wait for the reviews and royalties to come rolling in, right? Not exactly. The process of promoting your own work should begin before the ink is dry on your contracts. I’m not going to talk about including promotional language in the contract with your publisher. It doesn’t matter if you’re publishing your first novel or bringing an entire series out in e-book format.
So how do you make a splash when over 100,000 new books are published each year? How do you stand out when they are all vying for attention? Jeffrey Marks, the author of Intent to Sell: Marketing the Genre Novel, and the long time moderator of the Yahoo Group, Murder Must Advertise, can help. The book is in its fourth edition (courtesy of Booknook) and is the only book that helps genre authors (mystery, science fiction, romance and Westerns) find the keys they need to make their name stand out. Marks is internationally known as a marketer and has led seminars across the globe. His own works have been nominated for every major mystery award and has won the Anthony.
First of course, you can purchase his book, Intent to Sell: Marketing the Genre Novel, as an e-book for $5.99 or a paperback at $12.99 using the following links:
Kindle e-book: Click Here to Buy Me
Paperback edition: Click Here to Buy Me
If you’re hoping for more personalized services, Marks offers an e-mail course. The course consists of six lessons, which help you walk through the steps of creating the exact promotional items that a publicist would charge thousands for. He’ll read and critique the marketing materials that you create and suggest the best way to brand yourself as an author. He’ll look at the content on your website as well. The class runs six weeks, and each class only contains 6-10 students. You can share ideas with the other authors in the class or work 1-on-1 with the instructor. The six week course is just $75, well inside the budget of most authors.
Finally, if you’re hoping for more individual services on social media and marketing your book, Marks offers a series of video courses on how to harness the power of social networking sites to sell more books. There will be a series of 5 20-30 minute videos and 1 30 minute Skype session on how to create an on-line presence that allows you to sell books more easily. This package is only $149.99 and includes a copy of Intent to Sell: Marketing the Genre Novel.
Some additional resources:
MurderMustAdvertise– the site has articles by authors on techniques that work
The MMA Blog– more techniques by authors.
The Crime Fiction Group on LinkedIn
About Jeffrey Marks:
Jeffrey Marks was born in Georgetown, Ohio, the boyhood home of Ulysses S. Grant. Although he moved with his family at an early age, the family frequently told stories about Grant and the people of the small farming community.
At the age of twelve, he was introduced to the works of Agatha Christie via her short story collection, The Underdog and Other Stories. He finished all her books by the age of sixteen and had begun to collect mystery first editions.
After stints on the high school and college newspapers, he began to freelance. After numerous author profiles, he chose to chronicle the short but full life of mystery writer Craig Rice.
That biography (which came out in April 2001 as Who Was That Lady?) encouraged him to write mystery fiction. The Ambush of My Name is the first mystery novel by Marks to be published although he has several mystery short story anthologies on the market. He followed up with Atomic Renaissance: Women Mystery Writers of the 1940s/1950s and Anthony Boucher: A Biobibliography.
His work has won a number of awards including the an Anthony in 2009 for his Anthony Boucher biography, Barnes and Noble Prize, and he has been nominated for an Edgar (MWA), an Agatha (Malice Domestic), a Maxwell award (DWAA), and an Anthony award (Bouchercon). Today, he writes from his home in Cincinnati, which he shares with his dogs. Visit Jeff's website at: www.jeffreymarks.com/
Jeff and his course (and, naturally, his novels!) are endorsed and recommend by: Booknook.biz