Can I Use A Fake Name When I Publish At Amazon?
Yes, you can publish on Amazon with a pseudonym, to preserve your identity, for whatever reason. You can do the same thing on Nook, iBooks, Smashwords and Kobobooks. Don't let anyone tell you differently.
A lot of people get confused because they know that they have to create a "publisher's account" at Amazon and the others with their real name and Social Security Number. This is so you can be paid. It's for EFT (Electronic Funds Transfer), and checks. You also have to provide all your own banking information, so that you can receive the Wire Transfers. But, just because you have to use your real name on your Publisher's Account doesn't mean you have to use it for your author name.
How To Publish Under A Pseudonym
Click the images below, to enlarge and read the details/instructions.

A lot of authors use a Kindle publishing pseudonym. It's not even hard to do. You log into your KDP Publisher's Account, go to your Bookshelf, and then "Add New Title."
Then, under 1, "Enter Your Book Details," you'll do two things. You'll type your Publisher name, which is optional. (See image)
Then, you'll click "Add Contributors." In that section, you'll type the Kindle publishing pseudonym that you've chosen, as the Author. (See image). Simply by doing that, you've created your Amazon self publishing pseudonym.
Is There Anything Wrong With Publishing a Book Under A Pseudonym?
No, there isn't. Many of the greats started out publishing under a pseudonym, like Mary Shelley (Frankenstein). (To be precise, Mary Shelley published anonymously, originally; she was revealed as the author, during the second edition publishing and it was than that sudddenly, the work was panned. Coincidence? I think not! [Many thanks to Cheryl Anne Ruebner, for pointing out to me that I'd misspoken, when I said she published pseudonymously.]) Publishing under a pseudonym on Amazon or any other retailer is in the same great historic tradition.
Whether you want to use a pseudonym to guard your feelings, or keep your loved ones from knowing you've started your writing career, there's no reason not to use the "nom de plume," which is another phrase meaning "pen name."