How Big Is A Nook Reader?

Barnes & Noble, the second largest seller of eBooks as of the writing of this booklet (8-12% of the market monthly), has its own lines of e-readers, called Nooks. The Nooks come in B&W e-ink, like the Kindle, called the Nook Tablet, as well as a color model, called the Nook Color.

The Nook Tablet is 8.1” long and 5" wide. The screen, with a PPI (Pixels per Inch) resolution of 169, is 3.55” wide and just about 6” long, not dramatically different than the Kindle Fire Tablet.

The Nook Color is exactly the same physical size, and its screen size is also identical.

The Nook uses ePUB formatted books (see What Are the Main eBook Formats? if you need a reminder on formats). This means that unlike books read on the (basic) Kindle e-ink device, some advanced formatting is possible, like drop caps and images wrapped inside of text.

The Nook Color also has available a fixed-format ability, like the Kindle Fire, for children’s books in landscape mode. Moreover, it has “read along” capabilities, for audio files to read to children. (This should not be confused with the “text-to-speech” capability of the Kindles, which uses an automated voice. The read-along uses MP3 audio files.)  The two vertical pages below are from the NookColor Tablet; the horizontal page is also from the NookColor tablet, but is from a proprietarily-formatted "ePIB" NookKids' books, which operates in "Fixed Format mode," so that text can display atop images, and show "spreads" (images that cross two pages) in the way that childrens' books should be read. 

Some Screenshot Examples of Books on the Nook Reader:

(click images for lightbox slideshow):

The Brimstone Murders, on a Nook Reader
The Brimstone Murders, on a Nook Reader
Sharon and Eleanor, an illustrated children's book, on the NookColor
"Sharon and Eleanor," an illustrated children's book, on the NookColor


From Frumpy to Fabulous, on a NookHD
"From Frumpy to Fabulous," on a NookHD










One of the wonderful Fergus the Ferry books, on the NookKids' reading platform.
One of the wonderful Fergus the Ferry books, on the NookKids' reading platform.