Members of Writerspace, Alert!
If you haven't heard, and you were EVER a member of Writerspace, read this now....
WRITERSPACE, a website that's been around since the dawn of time, has apparently been hacked by Lulzsec, and has had over sixty thousand (60,000) usernames and passwords released into the wild. Given the propensity of so many of my clients to use the same username and password for everything (you know you do--you all tell me about it when we're yakking on the phone), and the age of WRITERSPACE, which has been around since the 90's, it seems like a good idea for me to tell you about it. If you haven't heard about it, haven't read about it, and don't know that people can use this info to try to hack into your FB, Twitter, etc., accounts, then you should get to reading here.
Coincidentally--or not--writer and immensely successful "how-to" author Holly Lisle, whose website is a beehive of activity, emailed everyone just 48 hours ago to tell them that her FB account had been hacked, and that thousands of people had been spammed. I wonder if Holly is a victim of the WRITERSPACE hack? Her situation is dire, as Facebook--being themselves--of course seem to have simply denied her access to her own account, so she can't even attempt to fix it. Before this happens to you: change your passwords. I know, I know...but do it anyway.