is all about the eBooks. Kindle eBooks and ePUB books for all major retailers.
Ebooks for every shape and size of reader. Publishing superstars, first-time authors, Pulitzer-winners, published writers, people with rights-reverted books.
We craft ebooks for both .mobi format (Kindle) and .epub format (Nook, iPad, Sony e-reader, Kobo and virtually every smartphone reading software platform). Every client—except when requested otherwise—receives two files, one of each format, to facilitate the writer’s or publisher’s ability to disseminate the book widely and utilize different selling platforms for promotional opportunities.
New River
The Team
Then a local Book Shepherd, Penny Callmeyer, got me involved with creating a Kindle-compatible file for one of her clients, Charles Irion, for Irion Publishing.
And, as they say, that’s how the legend started.
All kidding (about the legend) aside: we do great books at reasonable prices. We have good relationships with Amazon and with Apple, amongst others. We won’t hose you, there are no hidden fees, no long waits. We can find you cover designers and if needed, proofreaders. We have a solid list of authors.
So send us your book. Ask us for a quote by finding the red button that says "Email Us" either in the footer of each webpage, or on the top-right-hand-side of the FAQ page. You won’t regret it. (All colored paintings copyright 2011, Jenn St-Onge, exclusively commissioned by and licensed to; the caricature of Hitch was created by one of our clients, the incredibly-talented Michael Tisdale, and we thank him for it. Mr. Zep the Cat says thanks, too! He thinks that he looks Pawwww-some).
Barb E. Team Leader
Although it took some mighty persuasion on our parts, we were fortunate enough to land Barb--our Canadian representative--to head up the Toronto team of Not only is Barb busy handling her own eBook clients, but she pitches in for us as well, using "Her Girl PERL" to generate top-notch books for many of our fiction clients. Barb just completed her 1200th book, or thereabouts--so you know that she knows her stuff!
She's developed our POD methodology, to streamline a combo POD->ePUB-->MOBI book-making method that delivers stunning books at a super-competitive rate to our clients. On top of all that, she's become our most in-demand line editors. (Who'da thunk?)
Barb brings yet another level of international diversity to us and is no doubt one of the finest of our Steely-Eyed EPUB Pilots.
(All colored paintings copyright 2011, Jenn St-Onge, exclusively commissioned by and licensed to's also a horse-breeder of no mean accomplishment, and, truth be told, taught Hitch almost everything she knows about HTML--including how to spell it.)
So send us your book, and ask for Barb's team. You'll love her work. (All colored paintings copyright 2011, Jenn St-Onge, exclusively commissioned by and licensed to
Indy C.M., Our Glamorous Queen o'Quotes
Indira ("Indy") is the person who keeps the lights a-burning, the quotes a-churning and font's a-kerning here at Faster than a speeding bullet on font hunts, more powerful than a locomotive when it comes to answering client emails, and able to leap tall questions with a single bound, Indy keeps us all sane, which is no small task.
No, we don't ask what she was doing with those snails...who look really, really frightened. For those of you who've asked: Yes, that's really her; no, you can't have her number, and yes, she's really taken already. Sorry!