Category: eBooks Converted and Formatted By Us
Author: Winkk
Price: 0


Music and Raven's passion has secured their position as dancers in the music industry. They realize how low-down and dirty the business can be ― with sex, money and power ruling the people around them. They continue their dreams as they prepare to dance on tour with Que, a Platinum-selling recording artist. Unaware of his grueling rehearsals and his controlling and erratic personality, they are unsure if they can keep up with his tour.

As much as they want to simply enjoy their new-found fame, the two are constantly chased by scandals and haunted by the past ― a murder they both witnessed. Now that they have received everything they dreamed of and more, they are not sure if they can handle their new successful life. They struggle to live their passion for dancing while keeping their secrets amidst the judgmental eyes of the music industry.

Date insert: Wednesday, 19 February 2025