Category: eBooks Converted and Formatted By Us
Author: Jerry Del Colliano
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Have you ever heard the phrase, “if I didn’t have bad luck, I wouldn’t have any luck at all”? “Out of Bad Comes Good – The Advantages of Disadvantages” asks the question, what’s luck got to do with it?

This study of successful people who have overcome the disadvantages that life in our fast times can bring is a formula for turning bad into good that can be put into action immediately.

What are the advantages of disadvantages?

Everyone dislikes a control freak, but now there is a way to get your freak off permanently and pave the way for more productive relationships. Jealousy kills relationships and shame kills self-esteem. In “Out of Bad Comes Good – The Advantages of Disadvantages” Jerry Del Colliano offers a hopeful, new alternative.

“The Happiness Formula” is the antidote to why we work hard, kill ourselves trying to make money, achieve success and sometimes accrue power but rarely achieve happiness. We’ve got it backwards.

Making your own good luck is as straightforward as giving up on the myth of striking it rich and replacing it with an easy to implement method of believing in yourself. Once you see how “the recorder sticking out of your head” is actually picking up every negative thought just about anyone can utter, you’re going to want to follow this system for staying positive even around negative people.

“Out of Bad Comes Good – The Advantages of Disadvantages” tells how Ted Williams, one of baseball’s greatest hitters ever batted .406 one year – reminding us that even the best ever failed six out of ten times. His secret can become your motivation to work harder, stay focused and achieve great things.

Even career chaos and earth shattering events such as divorce are confronted in “Out of Bad Comes Good – The Advantages of Disadvantages”. See how happy and successful people turn heartbreak into their next break.

You will never fear life’s disadvantages again – in fact, you’ll relish them, put them to work for you and be happier and more successful than ever.

Date insert: Thursday, 23 January 2025