Category: eBooks Converted and Formatted By Us
Author: Peyton Quinn
Price: 0


Black Belt Hall of Fame Member and combat veteran Peyton Quinn shows and explains to the reader just what Musashi was saying in his rather metaphysical Book of Five Rings. He puts to rest several popular misconceptions about this 16th Century Samurai. Musashi's book goes far beyond swordsmanship, every page is about how to develop the mindset to win, and against whatever odds. Professional athletes might talk about being in the "Zone" and playing their top game on the tennis court or the football field. Peyton explains how Musashi is showing us how to get into that mental zone of your best game, even under the tremendous stress of a life and death sword fight. We don't carry swords anymore but each us must deal with stress to succeed in today's world. That reality is what makes Musashi's wisdom some relevant and practical to us today once we truly understand it.

Date insert: Wednesday, 19 February 2025