Category: eBooks Converted and Formatted By Us
Author: Nicholas J Verzino
Price: 0


As God's Love is revealed to be the greatest Truth and the greatest Mystery at the same time, for no reason whatsoever, it becomes self-evident that God is indeed a Merciful God.

These paradoxical qualities of “God's Mercy” are intriguing… especially since "Mercy endures forever" regardless of sin or circumstance. And since “Mercy” shows up for no reason whatsoever, God's Grace must be a participate with God's Love within Mercy or else Mercy would have to be earned.

Finding Mercy, God's jugular vein, seems to be an effortless effort, done not so much by analyzing as by listening, paying attention too and for Mercy.

And writing provided a portal, with poetic license, to ponder and learn. Yet writing about such delicate matters is a delicate matter... and publishing a risk.

But writing this piece proved to be so much fun. Stumbling upon nugget after nugget of “interwoven threads of consistent reflections” eventuated into this (hopefully)delightful tapestry of hope. I took over 4 years to cobble together. Much caution was employed during the process of chinking away at each nugget until it finally gave up its hidden treasure.

Reverence was always at the forefront of my mind. So was that someone who may need a twig of hope to hang onto. If, by chance, this piece wields a moment of peace to that person, it would give me great joy.

Date insert: Saturday, 14 December 2024