Category: eBooks Converted and Formatted By Us
Author: Thomas Cowan
Price: 0


Whether you are an entrepreneur with an idea or a leader of an established company, you need to understand businesses thoroughly-how they work, what they do, how they are managed. You need to apply this understanding to your own business, so you know what you have to do to build and manage it. You need to develop your own skills and capabilities, so you know how to think, act, and do as a leader and manager to deliver the results you expect. This is what The Business Leader's Handbook Series is about. In Leadership Basics, we refresh your memory on the fundamentals of business leadership: Thinking, or your mental approach; Acting, or the role you play and the characteristics you adopt; and Doing, or the actions you take, the results you deliver, and the methods you use.

Date insert: Sunday, 15 September 2024