Category: eBooks Converted and Formatted By Us
Author: Mary Summer Rain
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From her secluded cabin deep in the autumn mountains, Mary Summer Rain shares her own philosophical views about many fascinating subjects. During an evening fireside chat, she brings together the wisdom of a lifetime of experiences, observations, and deep contemplation. In a quiet dialogue with a her companion, Sally, Mary covers a variety of fascinating subjects such as quantum and virtual meditation, the meaning of value, what real power is, the wisdom of silence, unconditional goodness, what children need to be taught, the eight qualities of wisdom, the nature of the Web of Consciousness, the new enlightened physicists, and much more, including a few predictions for the future. The evening is spiced with an unexpected experience with an apparition caused by a wrinkle in time, a close encounter of the ‘bear’ kind, and a surprise visitation by three dancing balls of light just beyond her moonlit front porch.

Date insert: Wednesday, 19 February 2025