Category: eBooks Converted and Formatted By Us
Author: Toni G. Boehm
Price: 0


Have you ever wondered why you were here, on earth, at this specific time? Wondered what your unique purpose was or what you were here to create? Have ever wondered if there was more to Jesus‛ teachings than might meet the “eye”? Have you ever wanted to understand the deeper mysteries of life?

“[Sacred scripture] is designed to reveal the process of the unfoldment of spiritual consciousness in the individual. The story of regeneration. The great theme under lying all scripture ― and seen by those who have eyes to see!”
Charles Fillmore: 20th century mystic

Exploring Genesis to Revelation, Goldsmith, the Nag Hammadi Library, Fillmore, and more we will unfold the mystery of the spiritual journey into Higher ― Cosmic -“Christ”- I Am Consciousness through developing a greater understanding of the Laws underpinning Soul Evolution, the Creative Mind Process, Regeneration, Intentional Creation and Attraction.

From Creation to “Christ” we will delve into the mysteries of the interior depths of being, the secrets of spiritual awakening, the renewing of the mind on both a personal and universal level. We will look at the relationship of Jesus and Mary Magdalene and see what mysteries might be contained there. Are you ready?

Date insert: Wednesday, 19 February 2025