Category: eBooks Converted and Formatted By Us
Author: Toni G. Boehm
Price: 0


The Power of BE! is a unique and powerful message on the “marriage” of spiritual principles and quantum concepts. BE invites the reader to “dance” with life's mysteries through the art of right questioning. Questions such as ― do ever notice that there is an invisible energy that surrounds you and desires to share its mysteries with you? What does it mean to “dance at the edge of mystery?” and What will I discover there? What is my shadow and how do I begin to acknowledge its presence? What is my unique purpose and mission in life?

If you are interested in quantum concepts, spiritual concepts, self-discover, and life-altering questions that have the capacity to change consciousness and create a transformation within you that is powerful and lasting — then this book invites you to open it pages and enjoy!

Date insert: Saturday, 07 September 2024