Category: eBooks Converted and Formatted By Us
Author: Mary Summer Rain
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In the twenty-eighth literary work from this spiritually insightful author, Mary Summer Rain unveils the long-elusive foundational coding of dreams. Known for her deeply inspiring philosophical writings she now brightly illuminates the hidden passageway leading through dreams to enlightened transformation. In her typically concise manner, the author has richly enhanced her former dream interpretations and expanded them to comprise an impressive 22,000 symbol dictionary. Now, by clearly de-mystifying the twenty-two elemental Dream Source Codes that comprise the groundwork on which all symbols are built, seekers will suddenly discover they are gifted with an instinctual understanding of each dream's meaningful essence.
The author lives in a high mountain cabin. Surrounded by the forests which provide so much of her inspiration, she spends contemplative time in the woods, is an avid reader, makes scented candles, and is currently working on a new literary project.

Date insert: Wednesday, 06 November 2024