Category: eBooks Converted and Formatted By Us
Author: Roger Morgan
Price: 0


Soros is a Hungarian Jew by birth, who was placed with a gentile family by his father when the Nazis were getting ready to invade.

At age 14, he collaborated with the Nazis to identify other Jews, and while they were sent to concentration camps for extermination, he and the Nazis stole their possessions. The worst part is he told Mike Wallace on 60 minutes that 1944 was the best year of his life.

Soros has a net worth of $9 billion, but purportedly has control over hundreds of billions that, according to Dope Inc, flows from the illicit drug trade.

His stated goal is to serve as the conscience of the world (God forbid) as he establishes a New World Order. Deconstructing America is part of the plan, and he is well on his way. As Glenn Beck pointed out, he has a systematic way of taking control of a country slated for regime change. He is following that plan for America. His influence in our federal government, and American society, is simply enormous … and dangerous. To a large degree he controls the press, and through his organization, he professes to own the Democratic party.

Whether he makes money on drug trafficking or not, using his wealth to finance drug legalization efforts and inflict the disease of addiction with “medical marijuana,” serves his interest in another way. Pot today is 20 to 60 times stronger than the 1970s, very addictive and serves a gateway to other drugs.

Soros’ interests are served by incapacitating people who become dependent on an ever enlarging, socialist/Marxist government with a few evil elite at the top … namely him.

Left unchecked, he will destroy America as we have known it.

Date insert: Wednesday, 19 February 2025