Category: eBooks Converted and Formatted By Us
Author: Anne Beckley Coleman
Price: 0


No one denies the anguish of divorce at midlife, but the online dating that follows is the greatest shock of all.

MATCHLESS is the memoir of a 50-something woman seeking a meaningful relationship in the Cyber Age when the click of a mouse is the difference between deletion and forever. Thrown into the dating world for the first time since Watergate and Patty Hearst, the author takes us on her journey, introducing us to the world of Internet dating including people like ImYourPleazer, ReeferMagic and more. Unprepared for the dating game of today when a new, younger "option" is only a click away, Anne shares the ups and downs of flirtations and first dates, rejection and renewal. MATCHLESS will appeal to women navigating this alien world and their married sisters who may be wondering what it is like to be single once again. With a friend the journey is more palatable; MATCHLESS is like a friend who helps you laugh at the absurdity of it all-while also sharing the very real agony of personal reinvention.

With 30% of America's baby boomers now single, it's surprising that this story has not been told.

Date insert: Monday, 17 February 2025