Category: eBooks Converted and Formatted By Us
Author: Liz Kingsbury McKeown, LC Van Savage
Price: 0


Can a time travel be realistic, sexy and funny? Find out what happens to a female Connecticut Yankee when she settles in the Middle Ages with a man she met in a history book! From infancy, her two Psych Professor parents raised Doctor Janice Atwood to a time traveler and a Medieval legend. One late Spring evening in 1330, Simon Peter Fortescue, the Singing Barber of London ,and his bright young son Ethelred, discretely stole away to visit a Gypsy and reap their fortunes from her crystal ball. The Gypsy saw a tall, oddly dressed female surgeon from a land called 'Ohio' who would fall from the sky into Ethelred's life when he became a man. Not your typical 'boy meets girl' story, but a playful one full of love, laughter,curve balls and close calls. Enjoy.

Date insert: Wednesday, 19 February 2025