Category: eBooks Converted and Formatted By Us
Author: William Boulden
Price: 0


GE AND ME is Mr. Boulden's personal account of the disparate treatment, the lies, deceit, incompetence, and treachery he has endured at the hands of the General Electric Company. This accounting in itself would make this book well worth reading, but there is so much more the abuses of power, the benign neglect by our elected officials.

See how the public pronouncement made by General Electric Company's CEO regarding respect for “maintaining an instinctive, unbendable commitment to absolute integrity in everything we do” is controverted by the Company's private practices.

GE, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the President of the United States of America, and numerous others do not want you to read this book because it is not some fictionalized version of reality. Sadly, it is reality.

GE AND ME is a must read for every person who would be informed.

Date insert: Wednesday, 19 February 2025