Category: eBooks Converted and Formatted By Us
Author: Hans Meier
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For decades, Hans Meier has visited Southeast Asia – from Thailand to Vietnam, from Cambodia to Indonesia, from Laos to the Philippines. Several times, Hans fell in love with wonderful, respectable ladies of the area. Until he married one of them. This is Hans Meier’s account of his delightful Asian encounters – heart-warming, touching, funny. And always insightful, well-natured and non-offensive. Note: This book is perfectly family friendly. There is no explicit language, no graphic detail and no red-light visit. The author meets respectable people only, on beaches, in parks and restaurants. Along the read, you’ll visit popular destinations such as Bangkok and Isaan in Thailand; Angkor Wat and Phnom Penh in Cambodia; Solo Surakarta and the temples of Borobodur in Indonesia. Plus all those charming villages and provincial capitals that tourists rarely get to see. Questions left open? Then check the book’s executive summary, Ten Rules for Delightful, Successful Encounters.

Date insert: Wednesday, 19 February 2025