Amazon eBooks: Public Quality WARNING Msgs on Sales Page!
Breaking Amazon News!!
Reported by GoodEReader, yesterday, at this page: http://goodereader.com/blog/e-book-news/kindle-e-books-will-have-a-warning-message-if-they-have-spelling-mistakes-or-bad-formatting
According to Michael Kozlowski at GoodEReader.com's blog, Amazon has implemented a new program, by which they are going to alert customers and buyers of validated errors in eBooks, on the book's sales page. Amazon has begun emailing self-publishers, alerting them to the presence of spelling and formatting errors. The new program will go into effect on February 3rd, 2016.
Amazon has implemented a new program, by which they are going to alert customers and buyers of validated errors in eBooks, on the book's sales page.
There's going to be a two-step warning system. If an eBook solely has a few spelling errors, a simple "warning message" will appear on the book's sales page. It will make buyers aware that there are some errors in the book.
If the book has bad formatting, however, making it hard to read or unreadable, the book will be removed from sale, by Amazon, until the product is fixed.
GoodEReader says that Amazon is currently in the process of emailing anyone who has books in the KDP store with "multiple" errors. We don't know if multiple means 2 or 20 or 200, but I'm sure we'll find out shortly.
Only readers with the newer KF8 e-ink readers--the Paperwhite, Voyage, and later numbered versions (Kindle 3, Kindle 4), can report errors to Amazon whilst in the book itself. Other readers have to use the "report formatting errors" button on the book's sales page.
Kozlowski goes on to say that he hopes that Apple, B&N, Google and Kobo will follow suit. Given that Amazon is clearly the 900lb Gorilla in this scenario, any author is going to end up thinking "in for a penny, in for a pound," and cleaning up their ePUB books at the other vendors.
We're all waiting breathlessly to see the results. Frankly--this type of quality culling is long overdue, in our opinion.
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