Category: eBooks Converted and Formatted By Us
Author: Nicole Chardenet
Price: 0


It's 1984 and the future looks bright for college student Joyce Bacyrus, rah-rah Reaganite and card-carrying Young Republican. She dreams of a high-powered Wall Street Yuppie career until her computer geek friend Hacker boinks it all up by opening a portal to another world in his dorm bathroom and dragging Joyce and their friends into it on a search for Stephanie, his missing lab partner and hopeful future squeeze. When Hacker loses the floppy disk that anchors the open portal, they must find it along with Stephanie, a task now on deadline as she's slated to marry the world's most disgusting prince. Threatening to boink things up further are a feminazi witch, a race of Conan-style barbarians (but only half as smart), incredibly hot naked undines and the prince's sidekick, heavy-metal troubadour and evil magician Malsorcier. While pondering the deeper questions of friendship, loyalty and the suspiciously modern elements in Chassadril, Joyce also wonders, Am I gonna miss my Macroeconomics exam?

Date insert: Tuesday, 18 February 2025