Category: eBooks Converted and Formatted By Us
Author: Jeffrey Goodman
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THE COMETS OF GOD also gives scientific explanations for the catastrophic events the Bible prophesies to occur during the “end times.” Many will be surprised to learn that the key to understanding passages such as the Seven Trumpets and Seven Vials of Revelation are comets, not nuclear bombs. Indeed, a large comet impact could cause the earth to rock in space, cause an earthquake that is over 14 on the Richter scale, unleash a series of tsunamis whose waves exceed a mile in height, and even cause the earth’s crust to melt. Many prophetic passages suddenly make sense once we recognize that much of Revelation’s mysterious imagery is describing the effects of different types of comet impact. How did the writers of the Bible come to ‘know’ so much about comets, the giant ice balls of space, before modern science?

Date insert: Tuesday, 18 February 2025