Category: eBooks Converted and Formatted By Us
Author: Geraldine Evans
Price: 0


Mary, the beautiful, younger sister of English king, Henry VIII, reluctantly agrees to marry the aged and sickly Louis XII of France. But before agreeing, she extracts henry's promise that she may please herself for her second marriage. Mary is deeply in love with the low-born Charles Brandon, her brother's boon companion, and is determined to wed Brandon should King Louis die. At the French court, Mary is pursued relentlessly by her aged husband's womanizing son-in-law, Francis. And with the death of her husband and Francis's elevation to the French throne, her situation becomes desperate. Unprotected, Mary is a captive prey to Francis's lust for her. Will she ever be free to go to her lost love? Because since Louis's death, Mary has become increasingly anxious about the rumours she heard concerning her brother's plans for her future. Did Henry intend to push her into another loveless marriage to suit himself and the State? King Henry sent Charles Brandon to the French court, Desperate, Mary persuaded him to go through a secret marriage with her. Then, fearfully, they await Henry's reaction, aware that no one, not even his much-loved younger sister, defies him with impunity.

Date insert: Monday, 17 February 2025