Category: eBooks Converted and Formatted By Us
Author: William F. Messinger
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It’s no secret that the affluent, prominent and wealthy have a tough time recovering from alcohol and drug addiction.

•Multiple treatments and relapses are common, with families and friends often standing by helplessly as they watch loved ones deteriorate, often with tragic outcomes.

They ask, "Is there any way to stop this merry-go-round and improve treatment outcomes for their young adults, adolescents, siblings and parents?"

The answer is YES! A well-kept secret in the treatment community is the very high first-time recovery rates of physicians and pilots – the only groups that do so.

•Seventy-eight percent (78%) continuous abstinence at five years for doctors.
•Ninety-two percent (92%) continuous abstinence at two years for pilots.

These are over-the-top, dynamite success rates unmatched by any other programs.

For the past ten years, we have used the pilot/physician model in our work with clients and now we want to provide advisors and families with practical information and suggestions on supporting long-term recovery for affluent family members addicted to alcohol and drugs:

•First, we explain how to set the stage for successful recovery.

•Second, we describe treatment components leading to successful outcomes.

•Third, we discuss the critical role families can play in the recovery of loved ones.

•Finally, we point out how bias against the well-off and prominent is a major barrier to recovery.

While these topics are discussed separately, it is their integration, individualized for each family and their addicted loved one, which leads to improved outcomes.

The pilot and physician programs are the roadmaps to successful recovery.
For far too long the wealthy and prominent have accepted treatment failures and continued use as ingrained in the wealthy and prominent culture. We reject this view and advocate a far more active and knowledgeable approach, based on what works for pilots and physicians.

Practical Advice on Achieving High Recovery Rates For Affluent Alcoholics and Addicts is one of several mini-e-books by the author on recovery from addiction, using the medical board and airline programs as models for other groups.

Date insert: Wednesday, 19 February 2025