Art Noble

Art Noble is the author of The Sacred Female ~ A Sonata of Sexual Love and Spirituality. Born in Los Angeles, Art grew up in Key West where he lived four years in the Hemingway Home. He is the son of internationally known artist, Van Noble, who opened the Hemingway Home as an Art Gallery before it became a museum. On moving, he acquired a lamp from the home. He still writes under the lamp. Noble holds a BS in Ocean Engineering and an MBA. Professionally, he was an adventurer on the cutting edge of technology, an executive engineer and a teacher. Like Robert Service and scores of other poets and authors, he has acquired and held many jobs including technical writer and commercial diving in the offshore oil field. This gives him an eclectic view of life. He ended his diving career as an Associate Professor of Underwater Technology at Florida Institute of Technology, Jensen Beach. His poetry is published in South Florida publications, Anthologies, International magazines, and read on National Public Radio. Noble appeared as a bit actor in movies and made commercials. After his participation in the H-Bomb salvage and the first 650-foot saturation dive, he made an appearance on the Today Show and his photograph is in National Geographic.
 Art Noble