Category: eBooks Converted and Formatted By Us
Author: Diogenes
Price: 0


Mass riots fomented by liberals and progressives to harass the GOP convention in NYC coincide with a multi-target terrorist attack using a sniper mortar for the first time in America. The de facto ruling class of concealed socialists, using their allies in the mainstream media, are determined to smear and suppress the Tea Partyers attending the convention. The terrorist mastermind, Professor Mossad, is a multiculturalist using a college as a base for his jihad. His accomplice is an anti-American woman in TV, specializing in targeting opponents. Opposed to them is Sam Adams, the deep undercover American operative on a clandestine mission to stop the sniper mortar and expose Mossad. Sam Adams’ courage, self-reliance and tenacity in the fact of vicious opposition are motivated by his desire for national revival. Fighting long odds, and never giving up, Sam Adams suffers defeat after defeat until at the end he confronts the mastermind and his female accomplice.

Date insert: Wednesday, 19 February 2025