Category: eBooks Converted and Formatted By Us
Author: Kostyantin Sitalo
Price: 0


Nevertheless, it is time to start harkening to thoughts that sometimes occur about depravity and immorality, hopelessness and absurdity, nonsense and obscurantism of the whole callous Christian creed. It is time to put an end to the destruction of common sense. It is time to find justice for the vampires who have sucked and drunk the juices from people. It is time to finish off this many-headed hydra that has muddled the whole world. It is time to begin the final stage of the battle with the mutilating cudgel, before it enslaves Africa and Asia. It is time, at last, to recover from the self-hypnosis in which Christians keep all of Europe, both the Americas, and Australia. Only Antarctica has not borne the Christian invasion. It is time to debunk the infamy of Christian obscurantism that tramples down elementary common sense.

Date insert: Wednesday, 19 February 2025