Category: eBooks Converted and Formatted By Us
Author: Suzanne Johnson
Price: 0


My method of training and controlling your companion is easy for you and puts the responsibility of learning to behave on your dog and, -- IT WORKS!!. Placing a leash on your dogs collar and putting him through paces around a ring for hours and hours of demanding work, or rewarding good behavior and punishing nuisance behavior over and over until your dog learns to obey your commands is very time consuming and keeps you constantly working to monitor every move-come-sit-down-etc, over and over again, your dog learns to do what you demand. You have a well behaved dog because you created a robot that needs your command for each behavior you want. This could result in your dog loosing spontaneous behavior--the behavior that makes a fun and playful companion.
As a psychologist, I learned to use, Psychology’s Principles of Learning to teach my dogs to behave without depending on me to tell them every move to make. Because my method of training is based on Principles of Psychology and Learning, the dog’s manner of thinking and acting change over time and you will get the good behavior you want. When you learn to use the easy Principles of Psychology and your dog learns by Association, you will not have to keep making commands. My method is so easy even a 10 or 12 year old can use it as long as they are taught the proper technique. I know this because my grandchildren use this method. My children and grandchildren were taught to respect the lives of animals and were not exposed to the demands of harsh training. This is an important life learning for children, because they learn respect for humans, when they are taught to respect the life of animals.

Date insert: Tuesday, 17 September 2024