Category: eBooks Converted and Formatted By Us
Author: Sydney D. Gould
Price: 0


Hijack at Malacca is a political action thriller inspired by present day world oil conditions where the control of crude dominates the success or failure of nations. Yvonne Bakuna, a French secret service operative with Nigerian roots, learns of an underground movement attempting to improve life for all citizens. secretly, she contacts the organization and offers her help. For working with them, she can avenge a dark chapter written in her life when she was a young girl. Amari Okira,, leader of the People's Movement is more than happy to accept the beautiful black woman into his group. He's been forced to take his plan against corrupt officials to the next level. Amari and Yvonne intercept a dangerous plan to hijack Canadian Lite as the tanker delivers crude to Singapore. Crude will be traded for weapons used as bargaining chips with the government. They are trapped in a scheme of betrayal and greed that leads to murder.

Date insert: Saturday, 07 September 2024