Category: eBooks Converted and Formatted By Us
Author: Charles Nathan Stonz
Price: 0


Aspiration Control: the rape of liberty is – a tale of hope and will, overcoming adversity – a modern and idealistic ‘Huck Finn’ running for Governor. In this attempt there is a political awakening in the waters, where divinity crashes with liberty and submerged truth gasps for air. It is where capitalism is painted as an extension of slavery; where federalism is uncovered as nothing more than feudal evolution.
Aspiration Control: the rape of liberty is also – a political satire linking the political ego with sexual prowess. Its statement on public will versus self-serving structure is enlightening as well as thoroughly entertaining – an enjoyable, perhaps to some a thought provoking read.
This is a book of our social and political time. It places us in the quagmire of generations of manipulated ideals – it poses the question, where now?

Date insert: Saturday, 08 February 2025