Category: eBooks Converted and Formatted By Us
Author: Harvey Goodman
Price: 0


From the time Sammy Winds pulled on his first pair of spurs, he understood the difficulties of living in the new American West. An orphan since he was a small child, Sammy grew up working long, dusty days as a ranch hand on the "Twin T.", busting broncs, herding cows, and learning to spit his tobacco juice with contest-winning precision. Sammy became used to sweat and toil and tough ranch life, but after an encounter with a murderous outlaw leaves Sammy the prospect of a fortune, the cowboy leaves behind his love and everything he has ever known to embark on a journey across the untamed West. Only he doesn't know just how dangerous his adventure is about to become. Follow the rugged excitement as Sammy treks "Along The Fortune Trail", fighting off cruel weather, attacking renegade Apaches, and overcoming the evil ploys of enough crooks and villains to send any regular saddle-sore hombre heading home to the hills. But Sammy isn't just any man. With his eyes set on the chance of a lifetime, Sammy Winds tilts his hat toward the mysteries of the trail, ready to gallop his way to the riches awaiting him in Denver and prepared to stomp on any obstacle in his way.

Date insert: Wednesday, 19 February 2025