Category: eBooks Converted and Formatted By Us
Author: Cheri Alguire
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13 Lessons in 13.1 Miles: How Running a Half-Marathon Can Help You Succeed in Business and in Life by Cheri Alguire, follows author, life coach and Working Mother Magazine blogger Cheri Alguire from her original leap of faith in deciding to run, through the training process, all the way through the race itself to the finish line and beyond. This book takes the reader on a journey to help them apply their half-marathon experience to real world skills that will last a lifetime. Cheri tells her personal story of setting and achieving a goal, and the impact it had on her life. You will see training and running a half-marathon as a powerful metaphor for striving toward any important goal in your life. Uniquely designed as a “Coach in a Book” for individuals or groups, each of the chapters/lessons can be examined one at a time on a week-by-week basis.

Date insert: Monday, 17 February 2025